

Sarral is located in the middle of the Conca de Barberà, region of rooted wine tradition. The Roman archaeological rest found in Sarral certify the existence of this culture in which the wines had a great importance. But it will not be until the Medium Ages that the culture of the vine will have a paper of first order. A differentiating quality characteristic is the paper which had the monks of the established Cister and the Temple in the region, which transmitted its experience.


The cultivation of the wine took another step of giant from the half of XIX century. The export of wine and brandy towards the north of Europe and the American continent turned the wine in the almost exclusive cultivation. The phylloxera, would ruin that time of splendor completely.



The misery woke up the creativity, the farmers were associated and known to resurge with renewed push creating the first "Societies"; fruit of the collective effort to unify the works and to be able to surpass a desperate economic situation, would be the embryos of agrarian cooperativism, that in Sarral begins to root to the last years of XIX century with the creation of the Society of agricultural workers, which became in 1907 in the Agricultural Union. Later in 1913, another organization was constituted in the village that was denominated Union of Viticultors. In 1959 the two organizations merged with the name of Cooperativa Vinícola de Sarral.

The beginning of the elaboration of cavas and wines bottled during the first Eighties (the construction of the first cava, for example, dates from 1984); later they went extending and modernizing the facilities first with the elaboration of cavas, and years later, calm wines, later it was followed with one of the particularitities of the company: the wines of needle by natural fermentation, with one of the few plants of elaboration of this sparkling wine that we have in our country.


The determined incursion of the Cooperative in the international markets ten years later are other steps that this historical organization of Sarral has been raising until becoming today, one hundred years after their foundation - now with the name Vinícola de Sarral y Sociedad de Crédito, Covisal, SCCL -, in one of the most prosperous and dynamic cooperatives of the Catalan vitivinícola sector, reference and pioneer in the implantation of a philosophy inside the vitivinícola cooperativism that governs with enterprise criteria and its professionalized at all the levels, from the vineyards to the commercialization. With the quality like primary target, the cooperative pays a special attention to the environment and the continuity of the grape growers in the territory.